Personally, I think reading must be enjoyable and something that people choose to do and they should also choose what to read. However, sometimes, students need to be encouraged and also need some guidance as to what to read, especially younger students. Even more so in a foreign language, since the students need to be provided with texts or books which are suitable for their level and language proficiency.  

The picture above, for instance, shows some students reading the same book in class. This was the traditional method to make students read some years ago. Nowadays, the approach is more student-focused and, when it comes to reading a whole book, they usually have different options to choose from, catering to the personal interests of the students.

I myself have always enjoyed reading, so my experience was not bad either when I had to read a book that the teachers assigned to all the students, both in Spanish and English, since I usually found it interesting and enriching; but I can understand that that was not so for all my classmates.

I love reading books or texts in their original language, so I try to read the books that I am interested in in their original language (Spanish or English). I can also speak a little German, but I find it harder to read original books in German.

Sometimes, though, when I choose a book to read in English, I sometimes pick a story which is less descriptive or complicated, since, for me, it takes longer to read a very descriptive story or a complicated plot in English and sometimes it is a little bit exhausting (and I usually want to relax when I read, usually in bed before sleeping).

 I usually read on my e-book, since I find it very useful and convenient both to read in bed (which is where I usually read) and, especially, to read in a foreign language (you have the dictionary available just with one click). I really recommend it if you want to read in a foreign language.


  1. Hi María!
    I totally agree with your post. I think it is difficult to find an equilibrium between motivation and instruction concerning reading, specially when dealing with a foreign language. I find interesting your advice about the e-book, although I am a romantic and I prefer paper books.


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