1.    Objectives of the activity

Main objective:
Students will develop reading skill through comprehension of the biography and will deduce/ look up the meaning of some words in the text. They will look for important facts or events and they will summarize them and write them with their own words in order to create the timeline.

By the time this lesson is completed, student will be able to:
1. Understand the main ideas and specific data in the text.
2. define the meaning of some words in the text.
3. comprehend the story's facts and express them with their own words.
4. Order the facts and arrange them in a timeline.

2.    Why did we use timetoast for this activity?

Using a tool such as timetoast can be very convenient for us, teachers, since the student’s outcomes will be ‘standardised’ somehow, and it will be easier for us to evaluate the activity. Moreover, since the result can be very attractive, the students will feel more motivated towards the reading activity (which they sometimes don’t find motivating).



3.    Steps that I followed to set up the activity.

First, we looked at some examples of timelines created with Timetoast in class, and we signed in and started creating one as an example.

Then, I gave the students a biography with some comprehension and vocabulary activities. After going over some of these comprehension activities in class, I assigned the activity of creating a timeline with timetoast for Steve Jobs’ biography.

4.    Student’s reactions, problems and things to improve next time.  


Most students enjoyed the activity and they didn’t have problems with signing in and using the tool. However, the less motivated students said that they didn’t know how to use it or it was hard for them to figure it out on their own.

I think that one possible solution for next time could be to work together with the TIC teacher to teach the students how to use this and other tools that could be useful for the students to work in other subjects.


5.    3 ways that the use of TimeToast helped me achieve my learning objectives.

The students were more focused reading and they practiced scanning for relevant facts and information.

They were happy with the result and they tried to make it better by adding pictures, etc.

They practiced reading comprehension in a different way. 


Here are some examples of the timelines that my students created (we are very happy with the results): 

Timeline. Steve Jobs1

Timeline. Steve Jobs2 

Timeline.Steve Jobs3 

Timeline. William Shakespeare1 

